Are you ready for Otsukimi (Traditional Moon Viewing) night today? Unfortunately it's not clear weather in Tokyo area now so I don't think it is possible to see the Fifteenth Night's Moon for Otsukimi tonight. However you can enjoy the moon on this Saturday instead of tonight.
The truth is that technically this Saturday (17th) is the full moon day of mid autumn, and the moon tonight is not at the full. Then why tonight is called Otsukimi (Traditional Moon Viewing) Day?
Actually the Otsukimi Day was decided based on Japanese old lunar calendar and it is always August 15th of the old calendar. Since it's a lunar calendar, it is enough close to the schedules of real waxing and waning of the moon, but not completely fits. Sometimes Otsukimi Day is at full moon, and sometimes there is a little lag from the full moon day.
This year, 2016, there is two days difference between Otsukimi Day and the full moon day. So if the middle autumn moon is not available for you tonight, you can enjoy seeing the full moon on this Saturday. Moreover, there is still time to get Otsukimi-dango (Otsukimi rice-cakes) for the full moon day!
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