Thursday, September 1, 2016

An Old Timber Industry Village In Tokyo, Hinohara Village, Shows The Vestige

On the August 30th, I introduced Hinohara Village which is only village inside of Tokyo except small islands on the Pacific Ocean in my another blog "Yuko Takayama"

Although the village is located inside of Tokyo, apparently forest accounts for more than 90% of the land. Thus in old days forestry and timber industry had been flourishing in the area. 

Nowadays these businesses are declining compared with before, but still you can find abundant green everywhere as shown in the upper photos and the vestiges of old timber industry here and there in the village. The lower photos are showing public toilets in the village. these are made of local wood and very nice and clean. 

I'm sure those who visited this village can get rid of their stress and feel great because of the beautiful forest and mountains. In addition they may feel refreshing even when they used these public lavatories!

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