Monday, May 4, 2015

A Photo of A View of The Japanese Minami-Alps(South-Alps) Mountains

The title might sound strange but actually some mountain ranges called “Alps” exist in Japan although of course those are not the original names. 

The views of the mountain ranges remind Japanese of the mountains of the Alps in Europe, so the name “Alps” is known commonly for those. There are three of them, which are “The Minami-Alps(South-Alps) Mountains”, “The Chuo-Alps(Central-Alps) Mountains”, and “The Kita-Alps(North-Alps) Mountains”.

This photo is a view of the Minami-Alps(South-Alps) Mountains which is stretched over the border of Nagano prefecture and Yamanashi prefecture. The formal name of it is “The Akaisi Mountains”, but a national park include the area was named “the Minami-Alps National Park” officially in 1964, and a city in that area changed the name and became “Minami-Alps City” in 2002, though it sounds a little bit strange to have the word “Alps” in a name of a Japanese city.

Do you think those mountains looks similar to the Alps in Europe, too?

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