Monday, April 6, 2015

A View Of Sunset With Sakura-color in Sakura season

It was a misty day yesterday, and somehow the sunset became Sakura(cherry blossoms)-color as if the cloud is reflecting the full blooming Sakura flowers on the ground.

I didn not make up the word "Sakura-color" , Japanese use the word “Sakura-Iro(Sakura color)” when they want to express delicate light pink color. 

On the other hand, the direct translation of pink color in Japanese is “Peach color(Momo-Iro)” because peach flowers have stronger pink.

However, nowadays people use the English-Japanese conbination “Pink-Iro(pink color)” more commonly. People still use “Sakura-Iro” but seldom use “Momo-Iro”, and “Pink-Iro” became a Japanese word.

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