Monday, December 21, 2015

Mt. Fuji Is Sometimes Funny

Seemed like Mt. Fuji pretended to be higher than usual this morning (The  photo on the left hand side above). I'm showing her usual height on the right hand side to make a comparison. 
Moreover, about 30 minutes later, she was even posing as if she got a smoke like the photo on the left hand side below.
By the way, I'm keep writing Mt. Fuji as "she" because Mt. Fuji is considered as a goddess in Japanese Shinto and Japanese myth. The name of the Goddess is "Konohana-no-sakuya Hime". It is said that the meaning of the name is "Princess who is as beautiful as blooming flowers". 
However, it seems like she is funny sometimes.

There are more photos of her on "Today's Fuji" page on my other blog.

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