Sunday, March 15, 2015

Photos of Comparison Between A View With Spring Haze And A View During Winter

Today, I saw “spring haze(Haru Gasumi in Japanese)” phenomenon which I introduced on my another blog .
Both pictures show the same location from the same angle, and weather is clear on each picture.

Spring haze is not a result of any pollution, it is just a phenomenon of increasing water vapor in the air. During the winter the air tends to be very dry, but the spring brings higher humidity as the temperature goes up. These climate changes cause a hazy view, a common phenomenon in every spring.

Therefore the expression “Spring Haze (Haru Gasumi)” has been one of the common seasonal expression in Japan and it is often used in traditional Japanese short poetry(Haiku and Tanka) since the expression can bring graceful spring atmosphere into the poetry.


  1. The photo appears to be missing, but very interesting topic nonetheless!

    1. Thank you for your comment! I'm sorry there is a problem showing the photo! Will try to fix it.
