In Japan, "blowfish" ("Fugu" in Japanese) have been called “Teppou (which means a GUN)” as another name, because it has very strong poison in the organs and if you are hit by the poison while eating blowfish it would be fatal.
However, since old times Japanese people have been attracted by the taste of the fish and now it is one of the very expensive food items. We don’t know clearly when and how Japanese people started eating blowfish, there must be many people who died by the poison, but even after most people became aware of it as a dangerous fish people couldn't give up enjoying it. The fish has such a delicious meat.
You might be interested in trying it now. Don't worry! There aren’t such scary accidents anymore. Nowadays, cooking blowfishes requires a special license in Japan and licensed cooks’ work is very reliable.
Traditionally it is said that the season for blowfish is from around fall equinox day to around spring equinox day. Therefore, it is almost over at the end of March, however with freezers and improved farm raising techniques, you can find blowfish dishes throughout the year in some restaurants as shown in the photo above.